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The Institute of Transport Economics´s HR-Strategy

Implementing the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers at TØI.

TØI received the status of "HR Excellence in Research" from the European Commission's expert panel in 2021. In December 2014 the Institute of Transport Economics (TØI) declared its commitment to the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter & Code).

The Charter and Code consists of 40 principles describing best practice in Europe as to recruitment, working conditions and career development for researchers. The Charter also describes the responsibilities of researchers in terms of ethical norms, legal and contractual obligations.

TØI’s initial declaration of commitment to the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers is presented here:

The European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.


TØI strongly supports European efforts to promote researcher mobility in Europe. TØI will implement the Charter & Code as an instrument to raise awareness and quality in the work on recruitment, working conditions and career development for researchers, as well as an active instrument in its strategical efforts to increase international activities.

This website provides information on TØI’s implementation of the Charter and Code, as well as on institutional actions and good practices of relevance to the Charter & Code.

At TØI we offer good working conditions and career opportunities for researchers. However, the Charter and Code principles encourage us to strive for further improving in this important area.

TØI has completed a self-evaluation process based on the statement's principles in relation to common practice at TØI and produced a GAP-analysis and a two-year action plan for the development of human resources. TØI’s implementation of the Charter and Code includes our Gender Equality Plan (GEP). TØI’s GAP-analysis confirms that Norwegian legislation and our policies and guidelines are in line with the Charter and Code principles. The Gap-analysis demonstrates TØIs policies, guidelines, and the practicing of policies and guidelines to be in line with the Charter and Code principles, in most cases. We acknowledge this as a continuous improvement process and have identified some areas to focus on in the coming years.

The efforts included in the TØI Action Plan for the implementation of the Charter & Code are firmly embedded in the TØI Strategy (information in Norwegian only).

The Institute’s activities are based on the following core values:

Independence Neither clients nor other interest groups can control the conclusions reached in TØI’s work. The conclusions follow from the analysis that has been carried out and the knowledge attained through the project.

Accountability As a general rule, TØI’s reports and results are public. Both the method and the results can be verified after the fact.

Community TØI is one institute. The researchers work in collaboration and share knowledge and expertise across disciplines.

Ethical and Professional Aspects

Ethical Guidelines

Open Access: TØIs publications are registered in Current Research Information System in Norway (CRISTIN) and are accessed openly in Scientific Articles – TØI full-text archive (TØIs Vitenarkiv).

Intellectual Property Rights IPR: Retaining the copyright to TØI's work is important for TØI's credibility and supported by the Intellectual Property Act, Norwegian law  (Åndsverksloven). TØI has the ownership of the IPR of the results of the research carried out by its researchers. The Institute’s main activity is to carry out open research.

Declaration on environmental impact

Recruitment and Mobility

TØIs Recruitment Strategy

PhD programs for TØI employees

Postdoctoral Scholarships at NFR / Individual Fellowships from Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

Do you want to work as a researcher at TØI?

Do you want to write your Master Thesis at TØI?

Gender Equality Plan (GEP)

This document constitutes the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) of the Institute of Transport Economics (TØI). The plan was approved by TØI’s leader group on 21. June 2022. The plan establishes who is responsible for implementing and following up TØI's action plan to promote gender equality and prevent discrimination.

Working Conditions and Social Security

TØIs Wage Policy

Declaration of Health, Security and Environment (HSE)

Training and Professional Development

TØI is determined to provide employees with professional possibilities and means to excel within the organization.

The evaluation of researchers in relation to the position system at TØI is based on academic competence, experience with applied R&D and other relevant characteristics significant to the Institute's general activities and character. In this lies the emphasis on diversity and hiring researchers with a variety of competence profiles. Furthermore, individual performance alone is not sufficient to qualify for promotion. Researchers` ability and willingness to cooperate is a necessary imperative for carrying out TØIs activities. According to TØIs purpose, strategy, and goals all employees are to be given opportunities to develop their competencies.

Development Discussion and Performance Assessment (MAS)

The employee meeting is a planned and prepared conversation. The focus of the conversation shall be on how the individual employee and manager can, in collaboration, contribute to achieving the company’s goals, as well as on how to create a working environment that provides job satisfaction, opportunities for development and ensures the well-being of the individual employee.

Competence Plan

The plan shall specify competence developing activities that each individual researcher must carry out in order to satisfy the requirements for promotion to researcher III, II and I and senior advisor, or general competence development for the researcher.

TØI’s implementation of the Transparency Act, July 1st 2022

TØI (The Institute of Transport Economics) is a national center for transport research in Norway. The institute employs about 110 people. TØI has a responsibility to conduct and promote transport research applicable for the Norwegian society and business community. TØI shall also disseminate research results and contribute to the use of research results in society through collaboration with the potential users.

TØI is covered by the Transparency Act [Åpenhetsloven] in accordance with the Accounting Act. TØI works to ensure basic human rights and decent wages and working conditions.  

The majority of TØI’s activity takes place in Norway where the institute is supplied by large Norwegian suppliers who themselves must carry out and account for due diligence assessments related to their activities. Furthermore, we have some projects outside Norway that are carried out in partnership with internationally renowned institutions mainly in Europe. 

Based on the nature of our business, TØI considers it unlikely that the activities in our projects cause or contribute to negative consequences related to human rights or decent working conditions. We will regularly carry out risk assessments to ensure that this is adequately taken care of.

TØI has assessed the risk associated with our suppliers on many aspects and find that there is no need to add anything to the assessment given by the Agency for Public Management and Financial Management. The agency has created a "high-risk list" that lists areas – especially products – where systematic human rights violations have been documented. The high-risk list | Anskaffelser.no

A first account of TØI’s due diligence assessments will be made available on our website by 30 June 2023.
If there are any questions for TØI, please contact us at toi@toi.no


Anne-Lise Strømmen


Gaustadalleen 21, 0349 Oslo

Postboks 8600 Majorstua, 0359 Oslo

E-post: toi@toi.no





Nettredaktør: Kommunikasjonsleder Hanne Sparre-Enger