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  • > Assessing landslides in cost-benefit analysis : Injury and fatality risk and valuation of landslide frequency and -volume

Assessing landslides in cost-benefit analysis : Injury and fatality risk and valuation of landslide frequency and -volume

Authors: Paal Brevik Wangsness, Knut Veisten, Rune Elvik
Report nr: 2027/2024
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-2156-8
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Summary, pdf
Full report, in Norwegian only, pdf
Sammendrag, pdf

More than 53,000 landslides and avalanches hitting public roads have been recorded through the period 2000-2023. Most of these are small, with no recorded damages. A total of 674 cases of damage to vehicles due to landslides have been registered, and of these, 62 cases of bodily injury have been identified. Of these, 13 fatal accidents were registered, with a total of 18 deaths and 2 seriously injured. With the recommended valuation of statical life and health for use in cost-benefit analysis, we find an expected accident cost of NOK 11-21 million. (2020-NOK) per case with bodily injury. Furthermore, we propose that cost-benefit analyses of landslide mitigation measures use simple linear functions to estimate the willingness to pay per person trip for driving on a landslide-prone stretch of road: NOK 3.70 per landslide event that hits the infrastructure per year, and NOK 0.13 per metre landslide width that hits the infrastructure.


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