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Journeys in the course of work. A literature review.

Authors: ngunn Stangeby, Jan U Hanssen
Report nr: 1009/1995
Language: Norwegian

A decision on investments in new transportation infrastructure will normally be based on a cost/benefit-analysis where transportation of both goods and employees in the course of work are important factors. Knowledge about these aspects of transportation is therefore necessary. Employeres will also find it useful to improve insight into the extent of car use in the course of work. Analysises based on travel surveys and alternative databases give different results. The report concludes that special studies on this important part of transportation in cities should be initiated. These studies should give better knowledge about the actual number of such journeys, better understanding of the choice of transportation mode, the purpose of the journeys and whether they are linked with other trip purposes. Another important question for policy-makers is to what extent these journeys are encouraged by the provisison of free or subsidised company cars, mileage refunds and how journeys in course of work influence the modal choice for the journey to and from work.


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